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NoSQL. Theory and examples
Downloaded (PDF) 7469 times
Current edition: 1.0, October 2021
Version (build): 202110302359 (Early access)
Download: selected fragments of the October 2021 edition:
- Chapter 1: SQL, NoSQL, NewSQL
- Chapter 5: Key-value stores
Version PDF
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Learn Swift by examples. Beginner level
Downloaded (EPUB) 1171 times
Downloaded (PDF) 690987 times
Current edition: 1.0, June 2021
Version (build): 202106251400 (Early access)
Download: full version of the current edition (PDF or EPUB)
Report issue or suggest change: GitHub, e-mail
I decided to make this book available for free in full version.
However if you want to financially support me, so I could spend more time working on this book
or invest in profesional text correction etc.,
you can choose a paid option (from 2 USD)

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Engineering of Big Data Processing
Downloaded (PDF) 3122 times
Current edition: 1.0, June 2022
Version (build): 202206032230 (Early access)
Draft. The material needs to be supplemented in some places.
A few chapters are missing
Version PDF
Report issue or suggest change: GitHub, e-mail

Scott Grosch, watchOS With SwiftUI by Tutorials
I am not the author, but I was responsible for tech editing
(both text and code crrectness and relevance).

Current edition: 1.0, May 2024
Version (build): 202405280849 (Early access)
In few places the programs (source codes) are missing
Version WWW
Report issue or suggest change: e-mail