Conventions used in this book
For your convenience I will use the following typographical conventions:
Indicates new terms.
Indicates old terms but for some reason I want to distinguish them from normal text flow, definitions, citations.
Constant width
Indicates source code, filenames, file extensions, variables, parameters, etc. Indicates also commands or any other text that you should type literally (as it is given).
Indicates statements which you need to pay special attention to. Sometimes it is used in combination with previous styles, for example: Constant width with bolded part
Something worth to remember or just one-sentence summary of some part of a section or chapter.
Note block: I use this block to give you some additional explanation or information, possibly loosely related to a main text.
Question block: Something which I want you to think about.
Info block: I use this block to give you some additional explanation or information.
Attention block: I use this block to attract your attention to some important things.
Warning block: I use this block to warn you what especially you should (not) to do.
def foo():
# Python source code
Yes, I know that my code is not fully compliant with all Python's requirements, but this is my style. If you don't like it, please think about code samples as given in pseudocode very similar to Python. Saying the truth, this was my main motivation – provide not optimized but easy to understand code which may be with easy, with minimal effort, executed.
Plain text to present results of code execution.