Windows BMP Bitmap File Format
(Last Mod: 08 August 2004 15:33:30 )
Several popular formats exist for digital image files, usually referred to by the file extension used. The more common formats include BMP, JPG, GIF, and PNG. As is typically the case, there are pros and cons associated with each format. From the standpoint of gaining familiarity with the subject of image files, the Windows BMP file offers significant advantages because of its simplicity. It also has the advantage of being highly standardized and extremely widespread. Its principal disadvantage is it does not support effective image compression except on specific types of images. However, there is a hidden benefit to this shortcoming. Since other image file formats do offer significant data compression, very few images stored in BMP format are compressed and, therefore, a very simple BMP editor that doesn't support working with compressed BMP files will seldom encounter a file it can't work.
The information contained here is very minimal. A much more thorough treatment of image file formats can be found in such texts as Compressed File Formats by John Miano.
The Windows BMP file format dates back nearly two decades and several incompatible versions existed at one time. However, since Microsoft has full control of the format definition, these older forms are virtually never encountered and the format has been very stable since the version released with Windows 3.0. Certainly enhancements have been added to the format definition since then, but they have occurred in an upwardly compatible fashion.
The file is a binary file (as opposed to a text file) that is separated into four sections (though one, the color table, does not always exist). The sections, in order from the start of the file, is the File Header, the Image Header, the Color Table, and finally the Pixel Data itself. The File Header is used primarily for the accessing software to confirm that the file is (at least probably) a BMP file, to tell exactly how large the file is, and to learn where the actual image data is located within the file. The Image Header gives the detailed information about the image and its data format such as the height and width of the image, how many bits are used per pixel, and whether the image data is compressed or not. The Color Table may or may not be present, depending on the format of the image data. When it does exist, it is either a color palette or a set of bitmasks used to extract the color information from the image data. Finally, the rest of the file is the image data itself. Each of these four sections is discussed in some detail below.
The File Header has exactly fourteen bytes in it. The first two bytes must be the ASCII codes for the characters 'B' and 'M'. The software should check these values to confirm that the file it is reading is most probably a Windows BMP file. The second field is a four byte integer the contains the size of the file in bytes. The third and fourth fields are each two bytes long and are reserved for future extensions to the format definition. The present definition requires that both of these fields be zero. The final four byte field is an integer that gives the offset of the start of the Pixel Data section relative to the start of the file.
Field Name | Size in Bytes | Description |
bfType | 2 | The characters "BM" |
bfSize | 4 | The size of the file in bytes |
bfReserved1 | 2 | Unused - must be zero |
bfReserved2 | 2 | Unused - must be zero |
bfOffBits | 4 | Offset to start of Pixel Data |
There are actually two distinct options for the Image Header - one that was developed for the OS/2 BMP format and one that is for the Windows BMP format. The OS/2 Image Header is exactly 12 bytes long while the Windows Image Header is at least 40 bytes long. Fortunately, the first four bytes of each format is the length of the Image Header in bytes and therefore a simple examination of this value tells you which format is being used. While the Windows Image Header allows headers longer than 40 bytes and this was supported by Windows 95, few applications ever adopted it.
At this point we will make the first of a few decisions on how we wish to limit the scope of our program's capabilities. The issue is trading off simplicity for capability. Given the purpose of this program - namely to introduce the topic of binary files and image file manipulation and to provide a means for your programs to generate quality images - it is entirely reasonable to select a very narrowly defined range of image format that our program will be able to work. The program's capabilities can always be expanded later.
For simplicity, we will therefore choose to limit our program to being able to work with BMP files that use a Windows Image Header that is exactly 40 bytes in length - it turns out that this is not much of a restriction since few BMP files use any of the alternatives). In addition, we will choose to limit our program to working only with uncompressed image files - and again it turns out that this is not much of a restriction since few BMP files are compressed in the first place.
However, we will be placing a noticeable restriction on ourselves by limiting the bitcounts (the number of bits of data per pixel) that our program will support. The presently allowable bitcounts for Windows BMP files are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32. Bitcounts that are one byte or smaller are palletized meaning that the individual pixel data is actually the number of a palette entry - much along the lines of a "paint-by-number" painting. The multi-byte bitcounts are so called "true color" bitmaps because each entry contains the full color information for that pixel.
Of the true color bitcounts, the only one we will support is the 8-bit format. This allows a color palette with 256 entries which is more than sufficient to render amazingly impressive computer graphics although it's limitations are generally readily apparent when dealing with photographic images. Extending our program to support the lower bitcounts is reasonably straightforward.
Of the true color bitcounts, the only one we will support is the 24-bit format. In this format, the color information for each pixel is contained in three contiguous bytes of data with one byte for blue, green, and red respectively. The 16 and 32 bit options involve the use of bitmasks to separate out the color components. The primary advantage of these two options is that most modern processors are better suited to reading and writing data in 16 and/or 32 bit blocks than in individual bytes. This was probably an attempt to be able to read and write the image data to and from slower secondary storage devices faster but, if speed is an issue, most people opt for one of the compressed file formats. As a result, these options are relatively rare and we are not sacrificing much by not supporting them.
BITMAPINFOHEADER: BMP Image Header Contents for Windows Format
Field Name | Size in Bytes | Description |
biSize | 4 | Header Size - Must be at least 40 |
biWidth | 4 | Image width in pixels |
biHeight | 4 | Image height in pixels |
biPlanes | 2 | Must be 1 |
biBitCount | 2 | Bits per pixel - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 |
biCompression | 4 | Compression type (0 = uncompressed) |
biSizeImage | 4 | Image Size - may be zero for uncompressed images |
biXPelsPerMeter | 4 | Preferred resolution in pixels per meter |
biYPelsPerMeter | 4 | Preferred resolution in pixels per meter |
biClrUsed | 4 | Number Color Map entries that are actually used |
biClrImportant | 4 | Number of significant colors |
For our purposes, we can ignore the last five fields.
If we are dealing with a 24-bit image, then there is no Color Table present. If we are dealing with an 8-bit Windows (as opposed to OS/2) BMP image then the Color Table consists of 256 entries with each entry consisting of four bytes of data. The first three byte are the blue, green, and red color values respectively. The fourth byte is unused and must be equal to zero. The only difference between the Windows and the OS/2 version is that the latter does not have this fourth byte.
In the 8-bit format, each pixel is represented by a single byte of data, that byte is an index into the Color Table. In the 24-bit format, each pixel is represented by three consecutive bytes of data that specify the blue, green, and red component values respectively.
The pixel data in a BMP file is scan line padded to a 32-bit (4-byte) boundary. What this means is that if you have a 1071x363 24-bit image, that each scan line (one row of data in the image) consists of 363 pixels each of which requires 3-bytes (24-bits) to encode. Thus you have 1,089 bytes of data per line. The format requires that scan lines be multiples of 4-bytes so 3 null bytes (value is zero) are added to the end of the data for each line to make a total of 1,092 (4x273) bytes per line.