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Lists (SwiftUI)

Prepared and tested with Xcode 13.4 and Swift 5.3 (last update: 2022-05-24)

In this part you will learn how to use List view to present information in the form of a vertical list of rows as well as how to add, remove and reorder row entries.

Table of contents


Project 1: static list

  • Step 1: create project
    Create a new iOS project, as you did in Start Xcode and set up a project section of First application (SwiftUI) part and name it SwiftUI iOS Lists:

  • Step 2: create simple list
    Open in editor the ContentView.swift and replace ContentView structure with:

  • Step 3: modify list cell
    Fortunatelly, you are not restricted to use only a single component as a list cell content. In fact, you can use any combination of components:

    Above I made a new cell only for the first three peaks (cells) because of the code verbosity. You can significantly reduce code repetition with custom view:

  • Step 4: modify list cell style
    You can also modify list cell style with:

    • listRowSeparator() – hides a row separator;
    • listRowSeparatorTint() – changes the color of a row separator;
    • listRowBackground() – places a custom background view behind a list row item.

    In the code given below I demonstrate how these modifiers works. Because I defined also a custom modifier, parts of code which stays unaffected compared to previously given code are "hidden" under the [...] string:

Project 2: dynamic list

You considered a list as dynamic when it contains a set of items that can change over time be adding, editing or deleting its items.

To make it possible, each data element you want to display must be contained within a class or structure that conforms to the Identifiable protocol. This protocol requires that the instance contain a property named id which can be used to uniquely identify each item in the list. The id property can be any built-in Swift or even custom type that conforms to the Hashable protocol. Quite common is to use UUID as id:

  • Step 1: cell data model
    Open in editor the ContentView.swift and remove everything except ContentView_Previews structure and initial import import SwiftUI. Then first add definition of cell data model:

    Next add new ContentView structure:

    When your will run this code, you will see:

  • Step 2: mix static and dynamic content

  • Step 3: use sections to divide list content
    Mixing in previous step static and dynamic content is not a good UI design. It would be better to separate smehow static part responsible for settings and dynamic part displaying informations. You can complet this with Section view:

  • Step 4: add cells

  • Step 5: delete cells

    Because deleteItems(at:) function is very simple, you can define delete action as modifier (and remove deleteItems(at:) function):

  • Step 6: move cells

    Because moveItem(fromOffsets:toOffset:) function is very simple, you can define move action as modifier (and remove moveItem(fromOffsets:toOffset:) function):

    In most cases Edit button is implemented as button located in navigation bar (so you have to wrapp the list into a navigation view):

    If you replace


    you will get a little bit different behaviour:

Project 3: hierarchical informations

  • Step 1: cell data model
    Open in editor the ContentView.swift and remove everything except ContentView_Previews structure and initial import import SwiftUI. Then first add definition of cell data model and all other associated data structures:

    Next add new views and ContentView structure:

    When your will run this code, you will see:

    If you comment .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) modifier, you will see default list:

Project 4: disclosure group

  • Step 1: use DisclosureGroup view
    Open in editor the ContentView.swift and remove everything except ContentView_Previews structure and initial import import SwiftUI. Then paste the following code:

    When your will run this code, you will see:


In this part you learned how to create lists, manage their content by add, move or remove items and how to create hierarchical lists.

The key points of this part are:

  • How to create basic list with static elements.
  • How to create dynamic list and add, remove or reorder row entries.
  • How to display hierarchical informations.
  • How to use disclosure group to show or hide another content view, based on the state of a disclosure control.